• Travel Name: Children Park Koh Pich
  • Travel Destination: Phnom Penh

Kids develop their creative martial arts talents in a variety of ways. We call and make an fine art or craft project and do a movement activity each day, and look for inspiration in character as we explore outdoors. We assume that all children are artists and encourage self-expression through visual artistry, song, movement, and boogie.

Math is taught using resources such as hindrances, sorting materials, and cooking food activities. These resources are being used for learning about classifying, patterns, sequences, adding, and subtracting. Math is also incorporated in the time we spend outdoors, using nature as the groundwork for learning about mathematics.

Kids Park investigate science in conjunction with creative artistry and math with an emphasis on nature and ecology. Discovery Park itself serves as our living classroom to learn about science, whether through watching different types of weather or gaining a comprehension of the life cycle of your tree by planting plant seeds and walking through the forest. Science is character based and hands on.

Language arts are highlighted through all areas of preschool. Youngsters are prompted to tell stories, sing out songs, listen to catalogs, create their own literature, act in plays, practice new words, and create their own silly words.

Finally, Nature Kids is a play based kindergarten. Creativity, imagination, and admiration individuals and the world around us are important aspects of the program. Youngsters are encouraged to learn at their own pace through active play and discovery time. We all recognize and celebrate the ever changing regarding the preschooler in all regions of Nature Kids.

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