Baray Andet Resort

Baray Andet Resort

  • Travel Location Prey Veng
  • Baray Andet is in Baray village, Baray commune, Prey Veng district, 3 kilometers west of Prey Veng provincial town. It is a plain on high ground surrounded by big trees. It is believed that Baray Andet is Bang Bot place, where all of the powerful and magical spirits in Prey Veng province gather, so local people consider it to be an ...


Baray Andet is in Baray village, Baray commune, Prey Veng district, 3 kilometers west of Prey Veng provincial town. It is a plain on high ground surrounded by big trees. It is believed that Baray Andet is Bang Bot place, where all of the powerful and magical spirits in Prey Veng province gather, so local people consider it to be an ideal place for swearing oaths and praying. On Silas days, people play pinpeat music for the spirit Neakta. They pray for happiness and ask for rain to grow rice. This is also the starting point for the Neakta procession to Ba Phnom before Khmer New Year.

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Located at Baray village, Baray commune, Prey Veng District in three-Kilometer distance west of theprovincial town of Prey Veng.This resort has a plain hill and big tree surrounded the people believe that Baray Andet is the powerful andsacred place for swearing and wishing. The music of Pin Piet is usually concerted for offering to Neak Ta onevery Buddhist holiday, festival day or Sunday for asking for happiness and rain.

Baray Andet is in Baray village, Baray commune, Prey Veng district, 3 kilometers west of Prey Veng provincial town. It is a plain on high ground surrounded by big trees. It is believed that Baray Andet is Bang Bot place, where all of the powerful and magical spirits in Prey Veng province gather, so local people consider it to be an ideal place for swearing oaths and praying. On Silas days, people play pinpeat music for the spirit Neakta. They pray for happiness and ask for rain to grow rice. This is also the starting point for the Neakta procession to Ba Phnom before Khmer New Year.



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