Brasoth Center is located in Prasout Commune, Svay Teab district, about 1.5 km (10mn) from Provincial Town. Operation of Sporting Facilities.
Brasoth Center is located in Prasout Commune, Svay Teab district, about 1.5 km (10mn) from Provincial Town. Operation of Sporting Facilities.
Name: Brasoth Center
How to go: 1.5 km (10mn) From Provincial Town.
Location: Prasout Commune, Svay Teab District.
Description: Operation of Sporting Facilities
Guest Name: Ms. Pei-Shan Hsia
Country: Canada
City: Stouffville
N.of Person: 2 pax
Travel date: 2025-05-01
Booked: Cambodia Truely Adventure
Tour Style: Adventure Tours
Duration: 14 DAYS 13 NIGHTS