Kang Va Basin

Kang Va Basin

  • Travel Location Banteay Meanchey
  • Kang Va Basin is the natural resort locating at Serey Sophoan District, along the National Road No 69A, about 4kilometer distance from the provincial town or 364 kilometer distance from Phnom Penh. Visitors who visit the resort are usually interested in: Abundance of fresh ...


Kang Va basin is the natural resort locating at Serey Sophoan District, along the National Road No 69A, about 4kilometer distance from the provincial town or 364 kilometer distance from Phnom Penh. Visitors who visit the resort are usually interested in: Abundance of fresh air. Beautiful scenary with blowing winds of Ang Teuk Kang Va basis was built from 1976 to 1978, during the Khmer Rouge regime, as a water reservoir for dry season rice cultivation. Leisure activities such as swimming, fishing and boating.

Kang Va basin is located in Serei Sopoan district along the National Road 69A, about 4kilometers northeast of the provincial town. This is a natural site where visitors can breathe fresh air, view beautiful scenery, swim, fish and ride boats. Kang Va basin bas built from 1976 to 1978, during the Khmer Rouge regime, as a water reservoir for dry season rice cultivation.

Kang Va basin is the natural resort locating at Serey Sophoan District, along the National Road No 69A, about 4kilometer distance from the provincial town or 364 kilometer distance from Phnom Penh. Visitors who visit the resort are usually interested in: Abundance of fresh air. Beautiful scenary with blowing winds of Ang Teuk Kang Va basis was built from 1976 to 1978, during the Khmer Rouge regime, as a water reservoir for dry season rice cultivation. Leisure activities such as swimming, fishing and boating.

Kang Va Basin Reservoir

Kang Va Basin Reservoir is a large man-made resort located in the Serey Sophoan District and within a relatively short distance from town at approx. 4 km. It is a great tourist destination for those interested in exploring the Ang Teuk Kang Va basin, the beautiful natural scenery has plenty of natural land to trek. The Ang Teuk Kang Va basin was first built in 1979 to act as a water reservoir for the Khmer Rouge regime to help in both the wet and dry season. Today, it has a practical use of helping local farmers with rice cultivation. Other activities in the area include boat trips, fishing and swimming.



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